Student Career Well-Being App for Business Courses
Many business educators struggle to engage and retain today’s anxious students in their business school. Career Key created a personalized career well-being app PathAdvisor for your courses that puts students at ease their education investment will pay off, making happier alumni.
“You are our favorite tool!””
How PathAdvisor helps business students find the right academic and career paths. CEO Juliet Jones
Personalized Digital Course Material in your LMS
Where do I fit in business? Over 50 business school faculty use the new AI-enabled digital course material PathAdvisor to help over 150 sections and 10,000+ first-year students answer that question with confidence. PathAdvisor,
Guides students to best fit academic and career paths,
Teaches critical career competencies, including Career and Self Development, Critical Thinking, and Technology; and
Helps increase student well-being and retention.
Streamline adoption with your bookstore via platforms like VitalSource and Follett.
“What made my experience great was the clarity and insight PathAdvisor provided. It helped me better understand my strengths, preferences, and next steps, empowering me to make informed career decisions.”
What our AACSB-accredited institutions say,
“You are our favorite tool!...
The Career Decision Profile [in PathAdvisor] gives us the opportunity to show students the value of knowing their own strengths, identifying barriers that may hold them back, and reflecting about their career choices.
[It’s] not just an “add-on” for our course… it’s a core component of helping students learn to make key decisions and evaluate their own levels of confidence.”
Associate Director of Student Services, Top 20 undergraduate business school, AACSB-accredited, Career Key partner since 2016
Case Studies
Business Education Professional Development
DOWNLOAD Business School Curriculum Case Study
Integrated Career and Academic Advising
DOWNLOAD Kansas State University Case Study
Impact on First Generation College Students
“A pre/post administration of the CDP allows us to measure the degree of change on all the scales and we have found statistically significant progress. These results encourage further participation from our faculty partners.”

Watch & Discover
Take a quick video tour of Career Key.
Career Decision Profile
Career Key Discovery
Why College Major Fit Matters
Career Key CEO Juliet Jones and Founder Dr. Lawrence K. Jones, Professor Emeritus at N.C. State University, College of Education
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Founded by a counselor educator 25 years ago, Career Key has been the trusted source of career and professional development in higher education institutions. We’d love to hear from you!